Plug-in Hybrid EV & Battery EV
There are two types of electric vehicles: the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle and the battery electric vehicle. The plug-in hybrid electric vehicle has two power systems, an internal combustion engine and a rechargeable battery. These vehicles use both gas and electricity. They run initially on batteries charged from the electric grid. When the batteries are depleted (typically 15-40 miles depending on the automobile), the vehicle switches to the engine fueled by gasoline. Plug-in hybrids can take up to seven hours to fully charge on a standard 120-volt outlet. Whereas, the Battery Electric Vehicle runs solely on batteries charged from the electric grid. A battery electric vehicle can charge on a standard 120-volt outlet or on a 240-volt rated charging unit. See the EV Calculator.-
Steps to Get Ready
STEP 1 – Decide on the make and model of the plug-in electric vehicle you want to purchase.
STEP 2 – Review the charging options and choose one of the two levels that best meets your needs.
STEP 3 – Contact NES at to evaluate the service transformer and grid infrastructure serving your home or business.
STEP 4 – Contact a qualified licensed electrician to evaluate your current electrical infrastructure and determine what upgrades, if any, need to be made. Several auto manufacturers are working with their customers to provide site assessments and EVSE installation cost estimates. Customers should check with the auto manufacturer to determine if this is a service they provide.
Environmental Benefits
Cost Comparison
Charging Options
Most plug-in electric vehicles will charge at home on one of two charging levels. Depending on the level you select, you may need to upgrade your home electrical system.